Jesus Christ! What’s Good in the Hood?

Tyrone needs your help to find salvation!

Tyrone needs your help to find salvation!

Greetings True Christians! Today, Martin and I would like to announce our new social outreach project, a project titled Jesus Christ! What’s Good in the Hood?  This is a mission given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, and you can help! You see, our brothers and sisters in His Holy Name, Jesus is calling us to reach out to the unsaved souls in the inner city! All around us, potential Christian converts are stuck in an ungodly and evil system created by capitalism and loved by Satan! Many people who’s lives would be greatly improved by finding Jesus are stuck in the hood living like hoodlums on the street, playing in filthy buckets and smoking dope on porches. My brothers and sisters in Jesus, it is time to change this!

Jesus came for us ALL!

Jesus came for us ALL!

Did you know that Jesus Christ Himself used to dine with prostitutes and other sinners? Why? So that He could save them.  We are called to the same duty! We must help these whores of Babylon repent and become slaves to Christ. You see, my brothers and sisters in Jesus, by leading these ungodly women to Jesus, we are achieving great victories over Satan, who uses these women to destroy the sanctity of marriage, create children out of wedlock, and keep Planned Parenthood alive! By destroying street prostitution in our inner cities and leading these women to Christ, we will win a great victory for God!

we must save this whore of Babylon for Jesus!

we must save this whore of Babylon for Jesus!

One of the biggest blights upon our inner cities are the ungodly abortion factories operated by the Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood preys upon impoverished inner city women, especially prostitutes, to provide fresh victims for the modern holocaust of abortion! God hates abortion, God hates abortionists, and if you support abortion, God hates YOU.  We must stand in solidarity against abortion, and we can destroy Planned Parenthood’s hold on the inner city by converting ghetto women, especially prostitutes, to Christianity! All unborn children are CHILDREN!

These people know the Truth!

These people know the Truth!

this is what abortion looks like

this is what abortion looks like

Rick Santorum knows the Truth about abortion

Rick Santorum knows the Truth about abortion

So, my brothers and sisters in Christ, we MUST destroy Planned Parenthood, and eradicate it from our midst. Abortion is ungodly and must be made illegal. We must also address the presence of illegal drugs in our society.  How do we do this? We need to challenge the pot dealers and crackheads in the inner city to give up their evil, Satanic addictions to pleasure for a new addiction to Christ! How destructive are drugs to the human spirit? This picture shows nicely: My brothers and sisters in Jesus, we must attack the drug epidemic in the Hood at its source, the dealers. These evil servants of Satan profit off of the addictions of the ungodly Hood residents by selling them drugs.  If we convert the dealers, then we destroy the foundation of the drug economy in the Hood. With no supply source, the drug epidemic will sputter and die. How do we convert the dealers? We share our testimony! I challenge each and every one of you to walk up to a drug dealer in the nearest hood and have a long hard talk with them about Jesus. With the right approach, we can change dealers of drugs in the inner city to dealers of Christ!  Consider the following images: dealers1Bible Note how in the first picture, the drug dealers look afflicted by Satan as they smoke their ungodly drugs. Then notice in the second photo how much more alive they look after finding the fire of Christ! Look at the fire in the bearded man’s eyes. Look at the smiling face of Jesus on the long-haired man’s shirt. My brothers and sisters, converted drug dealers are some of the greatest allies we can find.

Did you know the Darwinists will not tell you what is wrong with evolution?

Did you know the Darwinists will not tell you what is wrong with evolution?

What do Martin and I hope to see happen? We hope to destroy Satan’s grasp on the Hood! But why does Satan have such a strong grasp there? The answer is Darwin. We teach our children that they came from animals, and so they act like animals! This is most prevalent in the inner cities where Christ often has little following.  Darwin’s greatest secret is that his own work is a tool of Satan used to destroy the inner cities! If we destroy Darwinism, then we destroy one of the fundamental bases of the Hood. Darwinism legitimizes abortion, murder, rape, drugs, torture, heathenism, hedonism, atheism, prostitution, fornication, and all sins. The Truth of the Bible shows us that by defeating Satan, we can accomplish anything! By leading the denizens of the Hood to Christ, we can save the Hoods for Jesus! We can even save young Tyrone:

Tyrone basking in the glory of Salvation

Tyrone basking in the glory of Salvation

The following video might also be useful in our outreach. Share it with your friends! My brothers and sisters in Christ, Martin and I challenge you to join our mission. Join in Jesus Christ! What’s Good in the Hood? We must make the summer of 2015 a summer of salvation. I challenge each and every one of you to share your True Christian testimony with one of the denizens of the Hood. by sharing the Truth, that Truth shall set the people in the hood free.  We must realize that Christ came to preach to all people, even the ungodly evil atheist heathens who attack this True Christian blog on a daily basis. We must bring the Truth to the heathens! Ask your pastors and friends from Church to join our mission! Preach to the people in the ghettos, and we shall lead them to Jesus, and the Truth of Christ shall free them! It is time to take back our cities for Jesus! We must take back all areas of our towns for Christ! From your True Christian friends, Jim Solouki and Martin Baker Rick Santorum knows what’s good in the hood! Vote Rick Santorum for President in 2016!

Bill O’Reilly, Deceived by the Devil!

Greetings True Christians! Did you know that Fox News star Bill O’Reilley has been deceived by Satan into ending his War on Christmas? That’s right boys and girls! This week, Bill O’Reilly claimed that the “War on Christmas is over.” Why? Because of a pew survey that shows that Americans love Jesus and know the Christmas Story is true. That being said, the atheists have not given up the war. They are still, even today, preparing to celebrate their ungodly celebrations of Newtonmas, mocking the True Christian holiday of Christmas! On December 21st, the pagans get together to celebrate the winter solstice, another ungodly “holiday” created to take away from the glory of Christmas. The War on Christmas has not ended, and will not be over until all the atheists are silenced and America is once again led by Christians and not Muslims and atheists! This is why we need to elect Rick Santorum in 2016!

Rick Santorum won’t back down in the War on Christmas!

Bill O’Reilly needs to repent immediately and recognize the evils of his ways, or he will be sent straight to Hell along with Darwin, Nixon, Feynman, Hitler, Robin Williams, Nelson Mandela, and all the heathens. The Devil is deluding Bill into believing that the war is over. We have won a battle, but we have not yet won the war. The War on Christmas will not be won until atheism and heathenism is eradicated from America! We must take back the country for Christ! Here is a picture of what Hell will look like when Bill O’Reilly is cast into the pit. Note Pope John Paul II covered in unquenchable fire and Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro engaging in sodomy.

This is what is in store for Bill O'Reilly if he does not repent!

This is what is in store for Bill O’Reilly if he does not repent!

How are the heathens propagating the War on Christmas in America? They are taking “under God” out of our pledge of allegiance and taking “in God we trust” off of our currency! Don’t turn away from the war Bill! Every time the atheists take the ten commandments off of a public building, Satan wins a major victory. Every time someone says Happy Holidays or “happy solstice” instead of Merry Christmas, Satan wins a major victory. The War on Christmas is but one campaign in Satan’s larger campaign to take Christ out of Christmas and out of our world. Don’t leet the devil win. Keep Christ in Christmas, and never give up the fight until we have won! The war on Christmas is not over Bill! Open your eyes!

the Ten Commandments being removed by the forces of Satan

Every single year, around America, children go to the mall to sit on the lap of a fat man posing as “Santa.”  If you change the letters just a little, its easy to see the truth of Santa. Santa is really symbolic of Satan! Don’t bring your child to see Santa on Christmas, take him to worship Christ! We must keep Christ in Christmas!

We should only celebrate Jesus on Christmas!

The only way to win the War on Christmas is to effectively keep Christ in Christmas. Remember, Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Yet the modern American celebration of Christmas is all about wealth and money. That’s hypocrisy, boys and girls. Jesus wouldn’t want you to look for presents on Christmas, He’d want you to celebrate His birthday and worship the Father!

Rick Santorum will ALWAYS fight for Christmas, unlike the deluded Bill O’Reilly!

Shame on Bill o’Reilly for allowing himself to be deceived by the Devil! The war on Christmas is not over! O’Reilley needs to stop doing the devil’s work or he’ll find himself in Hell with Robin Williams, Mandela, the scientists, the popes, and Darwin! Repent Bill O’Reilly! Consult the True Christian politician Rick Santorum, who knows that the war on Christmas is not over! Santorum for President in 2016! To Hell with Bill O’Reilly! Keep-christ--anim+big And remember to keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas! Yours in Christ, Jim Solouki and Martin Baker

Rick Santorum Will Stop the Atheistic Holocaust on Unborn Babies!

Visit Rick Santorum on the facebook to learn more about how to win!

Greetings True Christians!

Did you know that Rick Santorum is fighting every day to save the innocent unborn? Even now, Rick Santorum is supporting congressman Ander Crenshaw’s ABLE act, which will stop parents from being able to abort disabled children and will also stop our nation from descending deeper into a eugenic state.  Granted, the act, on its surface, says only that medical care must be equal for disabled and non disabled people, but the way the heathens are taking this nation, it would quickly descend into aborting the disabled before birth to avoid financial difficulties faced by parents of disabled children if this discrimination were to continue.

More important even then the ABLE Act, however, is Rick Santorum’s March for Life! Rick Santorum is God’s choice for President, and he seeks to fight both Islamic extremism and atheist extremism. Rick Santorum believes in the rights of the unborn. Santorum knows that an unborn child is still a child. Santorum knows that these children are created by GOD. Rick Santorum knows that the problem in society isn’t pregnancy, it’s behavior. Unwed pregnancies are increasing in America because America is turning away from God and God’s law! We need to reject the Islamic unAmerican Barack Osama and elect Rick Santorum in 2016!

Abortion is murder, boys and girls. It’s as simple as that. God isn’t making more people get pregnant outside of wedlock. The Bible teaches us that sex is supposed to be between a married couple. A married couple consists of one man and one woman. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. If people didn’t have sex outside of wedlock, there would be no need for abortion. The real problem is a breakdown of Biblical Law in American society.

If women didn’t go to bars dressed like this, there would be no cases of rape!

In modern-day America, women are no longer staying at home raising families and making homes. They are now going to bars dressed in unchaste clothing searching for men to fornicate with. Woman should stop going to heathen bars to avoid getting pregnancy! Don’t tell me that abortion is ok in cases of rape either. God created a perfect law for cases of rape. If a man rapes a woman, he is required to provide for her and any children that come from the rape until death. The Bible couches it in terms of “marriage,” but God really meant that the man is supposed to provide for his victim, who, in the culture at the time when the book was written, would not be able to find a husband after being raped and would starve.

This whore of Babylon is asking to get raped! If she gets pregnant, it is her duty to choose life!

Before you tell us that it is a woman’s right to choose, I have nothing against women making choices. They have every right to be responsible. They have every right to choose to be chaste until marriage. They have every right to not go out in public dressed like whores of Babylon and get raped. They have every right to be responsible and raise their babies if they do get raped and pregnant. After all, God didn’t make them go out half naked and show off for all the guys! Why should God change His law for them when they disobeyed His law first? Rick Santorum believes in God’s Law and will fight against the Obamanation of abortion! You can believe in that! Abortion is Satan’s favorite practice since it takes many new souls away from a potential full life. Rick Santorum is God’s choice for President because Rick Santorum will fight against abortion!

Rick Santorum chose life. You should too!

Even Hitler’s mom chose life! Doesn’t your unborn child deserve the right to life that Hitler was granted? The evil atheists only want more evil atheists like Hitler to be born. Don’t believe in the atheistic Satanic “miracle” of abortion! That “miracle” comes from the devil! Know who supports abortion? These sinners:

Bill Clinton and Michael Jackson both believe in abortion!

You can see, in the above photograph, Bill Clinton and Hell’s singer Michael Jackson mock-aborting a child. Note how Bill Clinton is pretending to “eat” the baby, much like atheists joke about eating fetuses. Note how Michael Jackson is looking on in encouragement. Why did Bill Clinton support abortion? Because he fathered many children out of wedlock. Here are just a few of Clinton’s whores of Babylon:

Bill Clinton reportedly engaged in heathen sexual acts with these women.

Clinton and his most famous fling

Bill Clinton with yet another lover

Why did Bill Clinton engage in sexual promiscuity outside of wedlock? The answer is simple. He has been deluded by Satan and his wife is a lesbian. Here’s proof:

This is why we can’t elect another Demoncrat as president. The Demoncrats support sexual promiscuity, tolerance towards non-Christians (even though America is a CHRISTIAN nation!), abortion, heathenry, homosexuality, atheism, Darwinism, and rape! We need a True Christian Candidate for president. We need a man who is fighting against abortion and walking the walk for life! We need Rick Santorum in 2016! Compare Santorum to the above pictures of the ungodly Clintons:

We must stop the Holocaust against the unborn! We must stop abortion across America! Elect Rick Santorum and end the war on the unborn! It’s what Jesus would do! America needs a full time president like Rick Santorum, not a part time crook like Barack HUSSEIN Obama! Elect Rick Santorum, God’s choice for president, in 2016! It is time to take back America for Jesus! It is time to take back America for Christ!

We support Rick Santorum in 2016! We support Rick Santorum’s march for life! A vote for Rick is a vote against Satan. Make the right choice. Vote Santorum in 2016.

From your True Christian friends,

Martin Baker and Jim Solouki

The War on (Saving) Christmas!


Greetings True Christians!

Did you know that the atheists and ungodly heathens are carrying the war on Christmas into the cinemas this year? True Christian scholar and film producer Kirk Cameron, who is a good friend of True Christian Scientist Ray Comfort, has just recently released a movie called Saving Christmas.  If you look on the facebook, the current trends on the side mock Cameron’s True Christian film as “the worst film of all time.” I read the article, and it shows the allies of the devil at work!

Don’t trust the atheists! Go see this film!

The devilish movie review website the imdb gives Cameron’s film the lowest rating of any movie ever. That’s just stupid! Kirk Cameron’s film is a godly, fantastic, respectful representation of Christmas. Why is the imdb mocking “Saving Christmas”?  The answer is simple. The IMDB doesn’t want to keep Christ in Christmas! Instead of showing True Christian advertisements, they advertisements posted by the Hollywood elite.  These sinners don’t love Christ.   Let this be a warning, our fellow Christians. Never trust the imdb. Only trust the true source for movie reviews, Unlike imdb, which rates films by popularity according to heathens, capalert rates films based on their Biblical foundation.  They have not yet rated Saving Christmas, but I am sure that Saving Christmas will score highly on their site! It is a good movie!

This assault on Kirk Cameron’s film is sadly nothing new for the atheists. They have attacked him ever since Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron proved that the banana was an atheist’s worst nightmare and since they disproved Darwinism by showing that the Darwinists have never found a crocoduck! Why is this film being downvoted? The answer is simple! The atheists don’t want people knowing about the Truth of Christ! The atheists are the world’s worst criminals and they don’t want the truth of Christ to reach the masses!

Atheists are the world’s worst people!

All those atheist heathens that downvoted Kirk Cameron’s wonderful film are going straight to Hell. This is a beautiful film, and you must be blinded by the devil if you don’t enjoy it!  The atheists are trying to attack Kirk Cameron’s True Christian movie because they believe that it is a threat to their ungodly enterprise. They view Saving Christmas as a strong Christian weapon in the War for Christmas, and they don’t want people to see it. They are downvoting it so that people won’t go to the movies!

Piss off an atheist. See this movie. You won’t regret it! Every single film released by Kirk Cameron or Ray Comfort is true and Godly. Go to see Saving Christmas. Take all of your friends and family with you. Take the atheists that you know as well so that you can have a True Christian discourse about Christmas! Lead them away from their heathen celebration of the “Newtonmas” and teach them to celebrate Christmas!

Let us join Bill O’Reiley in the battle for Christmas! With Christ behind us, we must truly win. After all, this holiday is all about Jesus’ birthday! Say no to the holidays this winter and yes to Christmas! It’s what Jesus would do! Shame on all who are attacking Kirk Cameron’s wonderful film. Satan is going to enjoy torturing you forever in Hell. Don’t join the heathens in Hell! Support this movie!  I have seen it three times already and love it! You will too! Let us take back the cinema for Jesus! Let us take back Christmas for Christ!

From your friends,

Martin Baker and Jim Solouki

Rick Santorum is fighting beside us in the war for Christmas! Vote for Rick in 2016 to stop the atheists from taking away our Christian holidays!

Eric Garner, killed by the forces of the Antichrist!

Greetings True Christians!

It brings me great sadness to report the death of true Christian servant of Christ Eric Garner, who is living in heaven as we speak.  Garner was lynched by American policemen who were agents of the Antichrist’s grip on America. You see, boys and girls, the Antichrist is currently trying very hard to take over America, God’s true nation.  He started with the election of Obama and is continuing by killing all those who resist.  Garner’s crime? He was selling cigaretttes out of pocket and not giving taxes to the illuminati elite that has currently taken over the US government and made America a safe haven for atheists! They only arrested Kent Hovind illegally because he was a white man. Garner, being an African American, was an “inferior” in their secret Darwinist racial schema, so Garner was punished with death.

How many cops does it take to murder an enemy of the Illuminati?

It is telling that no charges were brought against Garner’s killers. Why? Because the atheist illiminati agents of the antichrist operating within America’s elite rigged the jury so that his murderer would be set free unscathed. These are the same agents who released the pedophilic heathen denizen of Hell Michael Jackson from prison after Jackson was caught molesting little boys! Jackson is in Hell now, and Garner’s killer will surely be in Hell as well.

white gloves. All the better to molest little Timmy with!

It is telling that this event has happened just recently.  Pope Benedict stepped down from the popeacy over a year ago, and has been tightening his grip on the Illuminati forces across the world. Notice that you have now seen fewer cases of priests molesting people. It’s still happening, but now the governments are sweeping it fully under the table. Why? Because the antichrist is among us and pulling the strings trying to make Catholicism look like the true religion. In truth, Roman Catholicism is the Beast spoken of in Revelation. You can’t buy anything without the number of the beast. Know what the number of the Beast is? Membership in the Catholic Church. Remember that many are supposed to believe that the antichrist is of Christ before Jesus returns. Aand this is exactly what has happened! Just look at the glory that Pope Francis is bringing to the Catholic Church even today!

The Antichrist is among us!

That’s right boys and girls. The Antichrist is among us. The Catholic Church is pulling the strings with the antichrist, and the forces of the antichrist illuminati have invaded the American government, murdering Eric Garner and countless other innocent Americans! we must stop this now. We must take back America for Jesus! We must reject the illuminati and the forces of the Antichrist! Just must be served in the case of Eric Garner.

It’s time to take back America for Jesus. It’s time to take back this country for Christ!!

I’m Jim Solouki, and I’m a True Christian!

combat the forces of the Antichrist! Elect Rick Santorum president in 2016!

Retail Employees are Satan’s favorite Servants!

Greetings True Christians!

Did you know that retail employees are working directly for Satan and headed straight to hell? These sinners are Satan’s storm troopers, working on the front lines in the war on Christmas. These heathens are helping the atheists and the devil by taking Santa out of our stores and taking Christ out of Christmas! It’s not even Christmas anymore! It’s now “Happy Holidays.” These low-wage workers are sinners in the worst way. They are taking money away from the poor as they try to steal Christmas from Christians! They must be stopped!

Consider this woman from Walmart. The heathen Walmart employees didn’t even try to stop her from wandering through the store! This woman is a whore of Babylon and is showing Satan’s approval of Walmart! Instead of stopping her, you can see the lady in red looking upon her with approval. Why? Because whoreism is approved in retail stores! A True Christian would have stopped her from wearing these clothes. But Walmart doesn’t employ True Christians. They employ heathens! You can tell this by the shirts they wear during the holiday season:


Walmart isn’t only forcing their employees to reject Christmas. They’re also forcing their heathen “happy holidays” message upon their customers. The employees are the ones selling the product, and they could stop it, but they don’t. Here’s a heathen walmart gift card:

This gift card is of the devil.

Walmart isn’t the only retail outfit serving Satan! Target is of the Devil too! They put up Christmas decorations, but they’re actually very, very scary decorations. These decorations showcase headless Santas, and prove that not only is Target working for Satan, but they also embrace Isis’s acts of violence towards Christians, namely beheadings:

Christmas by Isis!

Target also sells the ungodly Redcard. Do you know what the “red” in “redcard” represents? Communism! Target considers itself a Communist stronghold in America. They call their customers “guests,” their workers “Team members,” and have a system of acronyms secretly created by Satan worshiper and devil’s disciple George Dayton to force his employees to embrace the Devil’s will. Here’s Dayton:

George Dayton, the devil’s disciple

By working for these retail giants, the retail employee is a direct player in the war on Christmas. These employees are often older people of working age who, rather than using these jobs as part time jobs in high school, are trying to use them to support themselves. These workers are commonly on foodstamps and other public aid programs because they are too lazy to find other jobs. They choose to work in retail because it is an easy job where they don’t have to do any hard work.  These workers are taking valuable resources away from the real poor, people who didn’t choose poverty but were forced into it by conditions out of their control. The True Christian thing to do would be to leave these jobs and get real jobs with which the worker can support themself with. But this doesn’t happen because retail workers like working for the devil!

this is where the retail employee is headed. Straight to HELL!

Have you ever seen an unhappy retail employee? I certainly haven’t. They always greet me kindly and have smiles on their faces. They even thank me for coming in. That’s not a person who is unhappy with their job. By thoroughly embracing the retail experience, retail employees directly seal their own fates in Hell. By buying into the anti-Christmas, anti-God retail establishment, the retail employee becomes an agent of Satan and damns himself. By placing consumerism before Christ, they place themselves in hell instead of heaven for all eternity.

Jesus would never shop or work at Walmart!

If you are a retail employee reading this post, remove yourself from the war on Christmas! Find a new job that supports the splendor of Christ instead of the false promises of capitalism and wealth! Reject the number of the beast that is found on every credit card and embrace the truth of Salvation. Give your heart to God and your mind to Jesus. Otherwise you are going to burn in Hell for all eternity.

So I implore you, servant of Satan. Repent or burn. Retail employees will go to Hell for being part of the retail system that rejects Christ and replaces Him with consumerism. Where will you go after you die? If you want to go to Hell, stay in retail. If you want to go to Heaven, repent!

I’m Jim Solouki, and I’mm a True Christian.

Join us and Rick Santorum and stop the war on Christmas! Rick Santorum 2016!

Join Pastors for Santorum on facebook!!

Greetings True Christians!

We are launching a True Christian political movement in America. We need to get every Christian in the nation onboard with Rick Santorum in 2016! Rick Santorum is God’s choice for president, and we want him in office in 2016! Get your pastors involved. Get your family involved, and most importantly, YOU get involved! Rick Santorum will save America from the evil ACLU and Obamacare, and return America to its True Christian roots!

Like Pastors for Santorum on Facebook! You don’t have to be a pastor to spread the word! The Facebook page is here (CLICK HERE). Join our movement!

Yours in Christ,

Jim Solouki and Martin Baker

Pastors for Santorum!

Greetings True Christians!

Today Martin and I would like to announce the formation of the True Christian Coalition of Pastors for Santorum! We support Rick Santorum’s bid for the White House in 2016! Rick Santorum is God’s choice for president, and we call upon all Christian men and women in America to vote for him. Spread the word to your pastors and to your friends. We will base the operations for the group here, at, and on an affiliated face book page soon to come. Stay posted for updates, and spread the word. Help us to get every Christian pastor in America onboard with the True Christian Coalition of Pastors for Santorum! Together we can save America!

From your True Christian Friends,

Jim Solouki and Martin Baker
Founders, True Christian Coalition of Pastors for Santorum

Repent America!

Greetings True Christians!

Did you know that God is punishing the West Coast of the United States? Many have died in landslides in Washington state. There are Earthquakes in California. God is unleashing his wrath through natural disasters God is unleashing his wrath upon the sinful United States, and the wicked will suffer. How do we know that these disasters are a punishment from God? The truth is clear.

Everyone knows that God punishes His enemies with death. The Egyptians were punished with plagues when they refused to let God’s people go. God punished Texas with school shootings and drought after the state said that the Institute for Creation Research could not have an accredited high school. God punished the Philippines with Haiyan, and the ungodly Indonesians and Chinese with the Malaysia Air plane crash. God punished New York City, one of Satan’s favorite playgrounds, with the September 11th attacks. If you have offended God, He will punish you!

the wrath of God

The foolish geologists believe that landslides can only happen in certain areas. Well folks, that’s just stupid. What causes a landslide? Landslides aren’t caused by any physical process, but rather by the direct wrath of God. Much like God flooded the Earth at the time of Noah’s Flood, God can create landslides to punish sinners and unbelievers. It’s simple boys and girls. God created the universe, and he can control it in any way He sees fit. The only logical way to argue against this truth is to believe that you somehow came from a pile of goo that turned into an animal in the zoo and finally into you. That evil Darwinist dogma is just stupid folks. Heck, the scientists can’t even come up with good natural explanations for natural disasters. If the universe wasn’t made imperfect by the death caused by Eve’s transgression, then we wouldn’t have landslides to begin with!

the real cause of landslides!

God has unleashed His wrath upon Washington, home of legalized marijuana, wiccans, homosexuals, and other heathens. Gays are allowed to marry in Washington! Know where else gays engaged in ungodly activity? Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Here’s a friendly reminder:

Sodom and Gomorrah

God also has unleashed his wrath upon the state of California. Gay marriage is legal there. People can buy marijuana legally there. California is the land of homosexual heathenry. California is the home of the National Center for “Science” Education. California is where Hollywood is. God hates California, so he put the San Andreas Fault there to punish the vast numbers of sinners and nonbelievers.

Lanslides are God’s punishment for sin!

Don’t let the ungodly scientists lie to you! Natural disasters are not the result of natural processes! They are caused by the wrath of God! Oregon isn’t hit by natural disasters. WHy? Because they aren’t ungodly! They don’t allow legal marijuana sales! God doesn’t punish the Syracuse region of Upstate NY with natural disasters. Why? Because Syracuse NY is a bastion of Christianity in the ungodly cesspool of New York state. God doesn’t punish Cleveland. WHy? Because Cleveland isn’t ungodly either!

The cities and regions that get hit with natural disasters are cities and regions that have incurred God’s wrath. And boy is God mad at the United States. He is attacking the nation on all sides, unleashing landslides as punishments and earthquakes as punishments and hurricanes and floods and extreme brutal cold as punishments. The United States government is at war with God because of the evils of Barack Hussein Obama, and only one man can save the nation. That man is Rick Santorum.

Rick Santorum will combat the evils of abortion!

Rack Santorum was given to us by God to lead us away from sinfulness. Santorum is God’s choice for president in 2016! Rick Santorum rejects gay marriage. Rick Santorum rejects atheism! Rick Santorum rejects legalized marijuana and man-on-dog! Rick Santorum isn’t a Demoncrat. No he is not. Rick Santorum is a Godly True Christian Republican, an outstanding member of God’s party and a close friend of our greatest president, George W. Bush.

George W. Bush with God’s choice for president, Rick Santorum!

We must elect Rick Santorum in 2016 to end this string of natural disasters in America. A vote for Rick Santorum is a vote against landslides and floods and earthquakes. A vote for Rick Santorum is a vote against hurricanes and deaths. Why is this possible? Because a vote for Rick Santorum is a vote for Jesus! Rick Santorum is God’s choice for president, and he should be yours as well!

Repent America, Repent!

We must end the American war on God. We must elect Rick Santorum in 2016.

From your Christian Friends,
Martin Baker and Jim SOlouki

What is Hell like?

Hell is a real place created by God to torment His enemies for all eternity.

Greetings True Christians.

Today I want to warn you about the horrors of Hell. The heathens deny the existence of Hell, and go round fornicating, fighting against Jesus, and fiddling about in sin as if they will not face punishment for their evil ways. However, these people are sadly mistaken. There is a Hell, and they are headed there. Know who else is going to Hell? Darwinists, liberal “Christians”, Jews, Muslims, and all who die unsaved. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus. You must be saved, or Hell will be your fate. What exactly is Hell like? Let me describe it for you.

Hell is a barbecue where the main course is you. The Bible tells us the following about Hell. First, punishment in Hell is everlasting. Hell is a lake of fire who’s inhabit’s “worms shall not die.” Hell is a place of eternal torment. Hell is a place where the unsaved are tortured forever. Hell is a place where God has no presence. Hell is where the souls who have turned away from the Truth of Jesus the Christ are placed as punishment. God has no presence there, and so the demons in Hell, those servants of Satan, do as they please. They love nothing more than to torture humans. Why? Because they hate God, and humans are made in God’s image.

Hell lasts forever. The torment is real, and so is the eternity of it.

Hell is a place of eternal torment and suffering.

There is no water to quench your thirst in Hell.

Why does there have to be a Hell? The answer is simple. In ancient times, likely before the creation of the universe, Lucifer and his allies rebelled against God. God was not amused, and created a place of eternal torment just for them. Why did the rebellion happen? These fallen angels were jealous of God. But surely, God could have stopped them from rebelling, you might say. Of course God could have, God can do anything. However, God created these beings with free will, just as he has created you and I with free will. Unlike mankind, which didn’t initally know right from wrong, the angels did. They partook in the tree of knowledge, and their knowledge is what led them to challenge God. They felt that they were greater than God. That is why Satan worked hard to convince Eve to eat the apple in Eden. Because the human world was God’s second creation, and an attempt by God to fix his Creation. Is there a divine plan for the universe? Of course. That’s why Jesus came to Earth…to put us back on the right path and to help us overcome the influence of Lucifer the evil one. Why did Christ have to be crucified? Christ was crucified to conquer death. Death entered the world through the actions of Lucifer, the dark angel also known as Satan. Jesus overcame death and Satan’s influence by rising from the dead. Through Christ, we die but once. Separated from Christ, we die and spend an eternity in Hell.

Jesus is the only way to Heaven!

Why would a loving God send people to Hell though? The answer is quite simple actually. Think of Heaven as God’s house. Would you let someone that you have never met stay in your home? Of course not. They can’t be trusted, and in fact, they might steal your stuff. Would you let your enemy into your home? Of course not! They’d destroy everything you own. You would only let your friends and family stay in your home, and rightly so. To enter God’s house, we must know God. We come to know God through Jesus. We come to know Jesus by following Jesus’ teachings and through prayer. The only way to Heaven is to be born again in Christ. Anything else will send you straight to Hell forever. God loves us, and that’s why Christ was sent to Earth for our salvation. However, God has also given us freedom. We can choose to accept or reject salvation. I would suggest that you accept it. However, it saddens me to say this but it is true, the Holy Spirit has told me that many who read this post will ultimately not heed my warnings and will be cast into Hell. Don’t be one of them. Repent and embrace Jesus.

Don’t believe Hell is that bad? Here’s what 8 minutes in Hell is like:

If you don’t want to go there, I highly suggest that you get yourself saved. Now. How do you become saved? You accept Jesus the Christ as your savior and change your life to follow Him. Reject secularism, humanism, atheism, sexuality, heathenism, satanism, communism, Darwinism, and other sinful practices. Reject wealth and help the poor instead. Reject the evils of modernity such as gay marriage and abortion. Embrace a simple faith in Jesus and live as His disciple. The Holy Bible is the only thing you need. Money might make you comfortable on Earth, but it will surely seal your fate in Hell. Fame may make you happy on Earth, but the temptations and vices that come with it lead many to Hell. If your right hand causes you to sin, chop it off! It is better to enter heaven missing a hand than it is to spend eternity in Hell! What kinds of people go to Hell? Here is a list of some common offenses that many souls are sent to Hell for:

belief in Darwinism



listening to Rock and Roll

viewing pornography
sexual fantasies
not properly accepting Jesus

Man on dog

watching unholy films
reading unholy books and articles
denying the Truth of the Bible
failing to follow the rules laid down for our behavior in the Bible
anal sex

supporting the ACLU
Voting for demoncrats

performing a gay marriage
being a partner in a gay marriag
attending a gay marriage
failing to condemn a gay marriage as ungodly

lack of faith
failure to be born again in Christ.

How do I get to heaven? You must be born again. Change your life immediately and embrace Jesus as your savior! Reject sin! Reject sin and the culture of death! Instead, accept Jesus and the promise of eternal life in Paradise! Heaven is a nice place, but you must be born again in Jesus to get there!

The road to heaven is a hard road indeed. Many have fallen into Hell along the way. Let us consider those souls who are now in Hell, and reflect on a few of the most well-known. I’ll also explain why they are in Hell. Here’s a very, very limited list of souls guaranteed to be in Hell as we speak:

Pope John Paul II and all deceased Popes, for being Catholic.
Mother Theresa, for being Catholic.
Adolf Hitler, for atrocities committed as Fuhrer.

Charles Darwin, for his ungodly idea.
Carl Sagan, for atheism, Darwinism, and drug use.
Jimi Hendrix, for rock and roll and drug use.
Jim Morrison, for rock and roll, drug use, and alcohol

The Whore of Babylon!

Marilyn Monroe, for being a whore of Babylon
Osama bin Laden, for being a Muslim
Saddam Hussein, for being a Muslim

Muhammad, for founding Islam
Freddie Mercury, for sodomy and homosexuality
Buddha, for founding Buddhism
Judas Iscariot, for betraying Jesus
Richard Feynman, for Darwinism, fornication, and adultery
Richard Nixon, for being a terrible human being.

Anne Frank, for dying unsaved.
Helen Keller, also for dying unsaved.
Joseph Smith, for founding the Mormon cult.
Josef Stalin, for being a Communism
Brigham Young, for supporting the Mormon cult.
John Lennon, for imagining no religion.
And if you don’t repent and embrace Jesus as your savior,

YOU! Accept Jesus or burn in Hell!

Accept Jesus or go to Hell. The choice is yours. It’s never too late to repent. In fact, Christopher Hitchens repented on his deathbed and is in heaven as we speak! However, if you die in sin and fail to repent, you will be cast into the depths of Hell. Make the right choice. Choose Jesus.

Yours in Christ,

Jim Solouki