Stop Jurassic Park 4 from being made

Dear friends,

Spielberg is working with the secular media once again to declare war on Christians and to promote evolution to brainwash the public, as well as to have evolution taught in the Sunday Schools. As Christians, we must take a stand for Christ and fight the unholy smut that Hollywood likes to throw onto Christians. Read the Christian review on Jurassic Park, and take action now.

Jurassic Park: The Devil’s vote for evolution!

Also check out the reviews on The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Toy Story, and Star Wars to learn how Hollywood likes to offend Christians.

The Rocky Horror Satan Show

Star Wars is for sinners

Toy Story is for sinners!

Evolution. It is the Stupidest Idea Ever!

Dear Heathens,

Why do you say that evolution is true when it is in fact just a theory. Only a theory! There is just not one darn shred of evidence to back up this pure speculation when in fact we see many people believing the Darwinist dogma. I will show you how stupid it is to believe it.

If we came from apes, then why do we not see apes giving birth to humans in the zoos? Why do you prefer to marry a human and not a chimpanzee from the zoo? Why do monkeys not talk if evolution is true? Why do we not see monkeys go to church or drive cars? If you have common sense, then you should see why it is hard to believe we come from apes.

Another problem with evolution is that we don’t see it happen. Scientists claim bacteria are “evolving” by becoming resistant to medicine, but that is just ridiculous. The bacteria are resistant to medicine, but they are not changing to anything new. Now that sounds dumb to say the bacteria are evolving. However, bacteria is not the only poster-child used by the evilutionists. If evolution is happening, then why are there no hybrids seen in the wild as we are told? Why do we see no crocoducks, fronkeys, half monkey-half human creatures, half elephent-half hippos, half flowers-half trees, or any other missing links that the scientists preach about? Why can’t fish turn into frogs? Why can’t giraffes continue to stretch their necks to become longer if evolution is true?

Bacteria are still the same when they become resistant to drugs!

Bacteria are still the same when they become resistant to drugs!



Evolutionists also try to use the fossils to support evolution. As creation scientist Duane Gish has said it, the fossils say no to evolution! Just look at the ceolocanth that is living today. Evolutionists have said that it was a “prehistoric” fish that lived for many millions of years ago, and that it survived the so-called extinction of the dinosaurs, but it remains completely unchanged! The living ceolocanth we see today is not different from the fossil ceolocanths, so the evolutionists have tried to use the term “living fossil” as a political move for having people believe in evolution. See the pictures and try convincing me evolution is happening!



It’s also claimed that the birds evolved from the dinosaurs. If this is true, then why are we not afraid of birds? How could a T.Rex or a Brontosaurus start chirping, pecking at things, and start flying? Brontosaurus was too heavy to fly, and T.Rex had those tiny arms that would make flying impossible. But there are more problems with the fossil record. “Lucy”, the claimed half human-half ape, is really the remains of an ape. Other evidence claimed to be half man-half monkey is likely to have been made in the basement, just like the Piltdown Man hoax which is just as convincing for evolution as Pokemon! The evilutionists will never tell you about the hoax, and they also will try to hide the fact that there are lots of gaps in the fossil record. As Gish has said it, the fossils say no!

Darwin was also a racist that believed evolution worked according to his idea as “Survival of the fittest” and believed in slavery. He also said evolution was about “preserving the better races for survival.” If evolution is true, then why are black people no longer enslaved? Why are black people allowed to own guns? Why are Asians and Mexicans doing well in the job markets? Why do we not see people of different races compete to the death in the workplace? These are questions that those who believe in evolution cannot answer.

But wait, here are some more questions that the evilutionists can’t address:

If evolution is true, then why does the Second Law of Thermodynamics make evolution impossible?

If evolution is true, then why do we not see it happen right now?

If evolution is true, shouldn’t we start acting like monkeys?

If evolution is true, then how did the banana evolve to fit the human hand?

If evolution is true, then why do we have evidence from The Bible that man and dinosaurs lived together?

If evolution is true, then how did the Big Bang happen from nothing?

If evolution is true, then why is it not mentioned in The Bible?

If evolution is true, then why did Adolf Hitler fail to make a superior race during World War 2?

If evolution is true, then why do we go to church and believe in Jesus?

If evolution is true, then why is Richard Dawkins afraid to debate Ray Comfort on evolution?

If evolution is true, then why do we have speed limits and other established laws?

If evolution is true, then who is your savior?

If evolution is true, then why did Darwin call to the Lord for salvation before death?

If evolution is true, then would we consider racism, slavery, communism, gay marriages, Nazism, homosexuality, stealing, pornography, adultery, rape, and murder wrong?

If evolution is true, then why can’t white men compete to be as good as black people in basketball?

As you can see, evolution is just as fake as Santa Clause. Journals such as Science and Nature are deluded by the Devil, and they are used to publish the evil propaganda in order to brainwash the Christian public into rejecting God. The ACLU, Richard Dawkins, and coalitions of God-hating atheists are working together to have evolution taught in the classrooms, and This is exactly what Satan relishes. The only evidence we have ever seen for evolution comes from the fantasy cartoon Pokemon and Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars. And that is all made-up stuff from Hell!




Check out the websites Answers in Genesis, Creation Today, The Institute of Creation Research, Way of the Master, Landoverbaptist, and Creation Science Defense to get more information on why evolution is wrong. There are also outstanding scholars such as Ken Ham, Eric Hovind, Ray Comfort, Jonathen Sarfati, Michael Oard, Henry Morris, William Dembski, Duane Gish, Kent Hovind, Edward Current, Mike Riddle, and other scientists that speak out the truth for true science. It’s time for us to fight evolution since it teaches us to act as if there is no God watching us and that we can do whatever sins we desire. Believing in evolution has resulted in rape, racism, homosexuality, Satanism, atheism, bullying in the schools, pornography distributed in the churches, heathenism, drug usage, alcoholism, demoncrats, the election of Obama as President, Communism, Fascism, and other SINS. Right now, Satan is looking over America as we know it and we must not let this go unchallenged. The secular media continues to feed into what the Devil relishes, and we must never forget why Jesus had to put himself on the cross for us. Stop the deluded scientists from taking America away from Christ!

Your friends in Christ,
Jim Salouki and Martin Baker

Red Bull: The Devil’s Drink!



It is time we say no to Red Bull products and boycott the FDA for approving products with hidden drugs in them. The drink is corrupting our youth as we know it right now. Please read the report from Landoverbaptist and take action. We must boycott the deception of the FDA for being in alliance with Satan!

Please remember the FDA is also responsible for promoting GMO foods with dangerous cancer-causing chemicals and harmful “medicines”, such as Tylenol and Advil. The GMO foods are made to ruin God’s creations and also to promote evolution, which we know is just a Fairy tale for Grown-ups!

And while your at it, look how Redbull was used to make fun of Jesus and offend Christians worldwide:


In the name of Jesus I say, Shame on you – Food and Drug Administration! Shame on you for allowing this addictive drug to come into our Christian nation from some Godless foreign country. And shame on you again for placing it in convenience stores without a warning label!

It’s time for Redbull and the FDA to repent!

Hugh Hefner, Agent of Satan!

Dear Christians,

I am going to tell you about Hugh Hefner, who is a sinner and a worker for the Devil! Hugh Hefner runs his own smutty magazine business called “Playboy”, and he is also responsible for starting the porn industry. This is clearly sinful stuff and an offense to God! As Christians, we must boycott everything he stands for.

It is no joke that Hefner is an agent of Satan! Hefner’s magazine, Playboy, is an advocacy for adultery and other acts that make woman try to claim authority over men. Here is what the Seventh Commandment, from the Bible, says about adultery: “Thou shalt not commit adultery” Exodus 20:14.

What else does the Bible say on how women should actually behave? Genesis 3:16, “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee” and Titus 2:4-5: “Teach the young women to be … obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

These scriptures from God tell us that women are to remain obedient under the guidance of men, and that they should not expose themselves in a disobedient manner as Hefner advocates. Exposure of cleavage, bare breasts, obsession with makeup, talking about sex, lust, stripping, lesbianism, feminism, flashing, lapdances, blumpkins, trying to do jobs that men are only suited for, wanting to be Whores of Babylon; these all offend God and truthful Christians. God made it possible only for women to expose themselves during sex so that children can be created.

Besides the fact that Hefner wants to raise an army of disobedient women to mock God, he has also spoken against Proposition 8 and supports the rights of gays to marry. Hefner will do whatever he wants to destroy the sanctity of marriage that was given to us by our Almighty Father in Heaven. Hefner also has fundraisers take place in his mansion that are used to support the legalization of marijuana, so that it can be distributed in our schools and churches. He even allows his magazine to have interviews of heathens such as atheist Richard Dawkins as seen in the link:

Hefner proves himself to be an atheist: “It’s perfectly clear to me that religion is a myth. It’s something we have invented to explain the inexplicable… What does it all mean — if it has any meaning at all? But how can it all exist if it doesn’t have some kind of meaning? I think anyone who suggests that they have the answer is motivated by the need to invent answers, because we have no such answers

Hugh Hefner stands for the sins that God has commanded us to beware and avoid. Hefner is backed by the secular media that is well known for persecuting Christians and saying “Happy Holidays” instead of Merry Christmas. He is the reason why we hear about abortions, pornography, prostitution, teenage sexuality, children bringing pornography into the churches, violations against Religious Freedom, and other sins. He has given loads of money to support abortion causing pills, the destruction of marriage, the porn industry, and Demoncrat politicians. It is time that Christians around the world boycott the trash that Hefner stands for and that he sees the light of God. It’s time to take back America for Christ.

Martin Baker

Why Muslims are better than atheists!

Dear friends,

Are you tired of the Atheists making claims that they are better than Muslims? Atheists claim that they are morally superior than Muslims, but let’s look at the facts below:

1. Atheists want to force homosexuality and gay marriages, especially in America, but Muslims are doing a good job by preventing it from spreading in Iran and other Muslim countries. After all, Muslims know the importance of family values and they know that homosexuality is wrong and evil. You also never hear Muslim men talking about killing themselves for 72 male virgins.

2. Atheists don’t believe anything! Muslims believe in the false god, Allah, and they also believe in Jesus and that Satan is real. However, they don’t acknowledge that Jesus was actually the son of God, but as a perverted prophet!

3. Muslims are against pornography, strip-bars, and other forms of adultery. They know this is wrong, but atheists say it’s okay to commit these acts of adultery!

4. Atheists believe in evolution and worship Darwin. Muslims are against the teaching of evolution, and they do a good job at preventing others from believing it.

5. Atheists killed way more people than Muslims did! Look at the actions of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler and try telling me that 9/11 killed more people than the atheists!

6. Atheists are trying to destroy marriage by wanting gay marriages to happen, but Muslims don’t want the gays to ruin marriage.

Whatever claims the atheists make about being better than the Muslims, simply do not believe them. Also do not forget that the Muslims, just like the Catholics and the Mormons, are misguided by what they believe in, and they need to be preached about the real word of God. Once the Muslims know the Gospels and the real Jesus, they shall be set free and will live everlasting salvation!

Your friends,
Martin and Jim