Waukesha’s Liberal War on Christmas

Greetings True Christians!

Did you know that the liberal-Demoncrat city of Waukesha Wisconsin has unleashed an act of war on Christmas? That’s right, boys and girls. The evil Black-Lives-Matter cop-killers and heathens have coopted one of their own people, Darrell Brooks, to crash his SUV into a crowd of True Christians engaged in a Christmas parade in the city. Well, my True Christian friends, Brooks and the Black Lives Matter demons know that Christmas of Jesus and that the Black Lives Matter movement is not of Jesus. They also know that Kyle Rittenhouse, the Great American Patriot who gunned down a pedophile and other criminals while defending himself and doing the Lord’s Work, is of Jesus. When God helped the jury declare Rittenhouse innocent, the Black Lives Matter movement knew that they had to respond and react.

And react they did. They enlisted the liberal heathen Darrell Brooks, a well-known criminal, to drive his van through hordes of innocent people celebrating the birthday of Jesus. This is ungodly stuff, and Darrell Brooks is going to be barbecued in Hell alongside Charles Darwin, Richard Nixon, Nelson Mandela, and Robin Williams forever. It is telling that Brooks chose to unleash his act of terror in the city of Waukesha, a city that sounds oddly similar to common African-American women’s names such as Leticia, Floisha, Rondesha, and Shaniqua. If the Black Lives Matter movement does not like America, then they can go back to Africa! If they don’t want to be good, Jesus-loving Americans, then we do not want them here. We can put them on boats, send them back to Africa, and make Africa pay for it!

The Black Lives Matter is not a legitimate movement. It is an umbrella term for a large group of domestic terrorist groups such as Antifa and the Demoncrat Party. They hate America and hope that America will fail. God will reject them just as they reject Jesus! These heathen scum are burning down buildings, mowing down people celebrating Jesus’ birthday, and killing babies. They are of Satan and need to leave America now.

This event highlights the dangers of the war on Christmas. My True Christian brothers and sisters in Christ, these demon spawn are doing the work of the Devil and have declared war upon us all. I rebuke them in the name of Jesus. I call on them in the name of Jesus to rebuke Satan and all his works. I call on them to repent and become True Christians, lest they be judged and cast into Gehenna.

The 2021 war on Christmas has begun, my brothers and sisters in Christ. It is led by Black Lives Matter and loved by Sleepy Joe Biden. God is already punishing us with gas prices. Just think of the future judgement soon to come. Heaven is like an exclusive club, unsaved unwelcome. I want to see you in Heaven with me. I want you to be saved. God bless America, God bless Christians, God bless Kyle Rittenhouse, and GOD DAMN THE BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT TO HELL! I cannot wait to see all of their smiling Satanic servants shut up in Hell where they belong. Repent or burn. Repent or burn. Us True Christians are building our own fires for all of you in Hell. So go ahead, burn our businesses. We will burn your souls for all eternity for the war on Christ and on Christmas.

I’ll be praying for you.

I’m Jim Solouki, and I’m a True Christian.