Are you a Heathen?

Greetings readers.

For a few years now, Martin and I have declared war on the heathens and fought in support of True Christians.  However, there are many well-meaning people who want to serve Christ, but are, in fact, heathens.  Are you a closet heathen? There’s only one way to tell. Read the following list of questions:

Are you a Darwinist? Do you believe in evilution, the big bang, and zoo-to goo-to you fairy tales? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Are you an atheist, agnostic, or otherwise uncertain about God’s existence? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Are you a God mocker, a God doubter, or a God-denier? If yes, then YOU are a heathen. And remember. God mockers are double damned!

Do you support the works of Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, or Sigmund Freud? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Are you a Muslim, Islamist, or other form of turban toting terrorist? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Are you a Buddhist, Shintoist, pastafarian, Hindu, Wiccan, pagan, or druid? If yes, then YOU are clearly a heathen and will be tortured by many demons in Hell unless you repent.

Are you an abortionist? Do you believe that it is ok to chop up dead babies (murdered by abortion doctors) and use their chopped up parts for medical experiments like Hitler did in Auschwitz with Jewish babies? Then YOU are a heathen!

Are you saying “happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas?”  Then YOU are a heathen.  Remember that the war on Christmas will be won by Christians ultimately. Why? Because Jesus.

Are you a Roman Catholic? Then YOU are a heathen. Everybody knows that the Catholics worship “saints” and are basically pagan.

Are you a Star Wars fan or a Trekkie? If so, then YOU are a heathen!

Do you believe in an old Earth? Do you believe in the man-made myth of millions of years? Then YOU are a heathen, and it’s heathens like you that are responsible for Kent Hovind’s wrongful imprisonment. Shame on you!

Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Then YOU are a heathen! Witchcraft is of Satan!

Are you a fan of Rock and Roll, Hip Hop, Jazz, Blues, Dubstep, R&B, Rap, Metal, or other ungodly forms of music? Then YOU are a heathen!

Are you a Mormon, a Jehovahs Witness, or another form of False Christian? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Are you a homosexual, a bisexual, or a homosexual or bisexual enabler? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Do you believe in the Jurassic Park? Then YOU are a heathen!

Are you a paleontologist, an biologist, an immunologist, a geologist, a botanist, or any other form of scientist who uses your work to support Darwin? Then YOU are a heathen!

Do you put money before God? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Are you a Demoncrat? Do you believe in gun control, abortion, gay rights, or the liberation of women? Then YOU are a heathen!

Do you believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or other atheistic forms of mind control created to target children? Do you support the spreading of these man-made myths? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Do you believe in the Crocoduck but not in Jesus? If so, then YOU are a heathen!

Are you a fornicator, a luster, an adulterer, a masturbator, or somebody who looks at dirty pictures? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Do you continue to live in sin because you believe Jesus will forgive you anyway? Then YOU are a heathen, because every sin you commit adds to the tortures Jesus experienced at Golgotha when He was crucified for our sins.

Do you listen to Michael Jackson? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Are you a fan of H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe, or other ungodly fiction writers? If yes, then YOU are clearly a heathen!

Do you engage in the time warp, elbow sex, or other ungodly acts related to the Rocky Horror Satan Show? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Do you engage in video games, books, movies, or tv shows that are non-Christian in nature? If yes, then YOU are a heathen!

Do you believe in aliens or other stupid things? If yes, then YOU are a heathen.

Do you believe that aliens built the pyramids? If yes, then YOU are a heathen, and also a fool.

Do you believe that the Pyramids were built for storing grain? If YOU, then you are a heathen.
Do you gamble, use drugs, or indulge in orgiastic overindulgence of alcohol? If yes, then YOU are a heathen.
Are you born again in Christ? Have you dedicated your entire life to the Lord? Does Jesus own your heart, mind, body, and soul? If no, then YOU are a heathen.
If you are a heathen, then you are headed to Hell, where you will be tortured and burned for all eternity. Repent or burn in hell, heathens.
I will be praying for you.
Jim Solouki

God is punishing Jared Fogle

Did you know that God is punishing Subway star Jared Fogle for committing ungodly acts of adultery and fornication with children? That’s right, God has locked up the sexual pervert in prison. Just like Bill Cosby, Ted Haggard, and Michael Jackson, Jared Fogle is another sexually immoral pervert who got away with committing sexual favors with children. But that’s not all! He also destroyed his wife’s purity by divorcing her, which is also forbidden in the bible. We Christians know for a fact that God hates divorces. Because of these actions Jared has caused, God has made it clear that Christians are no longer allowed to eat at the food chain known as Subway. Subway is now officially Satan’s restaurant because of Jared Fogle’s dirty actions and since it serves pork and shellfish that God commands us not to eat. Right now, Jared has the option of repenting while in prison, or he will be in Hell with people like Nelson Mandela, Richard Nixon, and Joan Rivers.

Martin Baker

Proof Ricky Gervais is headed for Hell

Atheist and godless comedian Ricky Gervais is committing blasphemy by pretending to be an angel and showing his middle finger. This is ungodly stuff that offends God and that Satan loves. The angels are supposed to be holy servants and followers of God, not crude beings who would do this stuff. Ricky Gervais is known for his mockery of Christians and he must repent or he will be cast into Hell.


Martin Baker

Black Lives Matter is Crack Lives Matter!

Dear friends,


Did you know that the Black Lives Matter movement, or more appropriately, Crack Lives Matter, is just another godless movement allied with muslim terrorists and criminals? That’s right boys an girls, the organisation is responsible for helping the muslim Barrack Hussein Obama become elected in office for 2 terms, and they are likely responsible for the rise of ISIS and sympathizing with Palestinian muslims to continue the fight against God’s Land, Israel. The un-American Crack Lives Matter is another terrorist group that must be stopped to save Christian America.

Muslim president made possible by Crack Lives Matter!

Made president by Crack Lives Matter!

Crack Lives Matter is derived from the violent 1970’s Black Panthers Movement. What did the Black Panthers do? The Black Panthers movement went around America attacking innocent white people and burning down churches to promote muslim interests. The heathen movement was founded by none other than Malcolm X who was a muslim and certainly no friend of Christ. Thankfully, Malcom X was sent to Hell the moment he died for being evil and unsaved. Just like the KKK, the Black Panthers were a racist and terrorist organisation that hated Jesus and still do so today.

MalcolmX was a muslim and no friend of Christ!

MalcolmX was a muslim and no friend of Christ!

Crack Lives Matter continues to terrorize America. They are certainly no friends of Christ. How do we know this to be true? During the recent and destructive Baltimore riots, they teamed up with the criminal gangs, The Bloods and Crips, and burned down a church being built. See for yourself:

This is what happens when you teach people we come from monkeys!

This is what happens when you teach people we come from monkeys!

Crack Lives Matter also organized lootings by stealing food from grocery stores in Baltimore that could have fed the needy. We certainly know these actions are what happen when you teach people we came from the goo to monkeys in the zoo to you and not from Adam and Eve.

Crack Lives Matter also glorify heathens. The terrorist organisation worships Michael Brown, who we know was actually a thug. Michael Brown walked into a gas-station, threatened to kill the store owner, and stole lots of cigarettes. He threatened to kill the cop on duty who was sworn to protect all mankind, but was instantly killed and thankfully sent to the depths of Hell where he will not be given one drop of water for his eternal thirst. Just as God said it in the Ten Commandments, Thou shalt not have any gods before me. But the terrorist organisation continues to worship him and attack the men and woman who risk to protect our lives as cops.

Michael Brown who was a thug and is burning in Hell.

Michael Brown who was a thug and is burning in Hell.

God hates Crack Lives Matter and muslims. They are the organisation that stand for all things evil. The terrorist organisation is working to get Bernie Sanders and other demoncrats elected so that this nation will be transformed into a atheistic muslim country run by heathen dictators. What happened when we had demoncrats in office? The rise of ISIS, Bengazi, poverty, the War on Christmas, legalization of marijuana and other dangerous drugs and other Anti-American atrocities. Martin Luther King never dreamed of a nation ran by terrorist organisation promoting muslim interests to erode Christian America. It is time for us to unite together and fight Satan. He has planted the Evil Tree that produces bad fruit, and we must cut it down and BURN it. Crack Lives Matter is one of many bad fruits produce that must be stopped. Let’s pray this terrorist organisation sees the light and becomes born again.

Your friends in Christ,

Martin Baker and Jim Solouki

God has punished Russia!

Vladimir Putin is purely EVIL!

Vladimir Putin is purely EVIL!

Greetings True Christians!

Did you know that God is entirely displeased with the evils practiced by Vladimir Putin and the Russian nation?  For their Communist beliefs, atheism, tolerance of man-on-man kissing (only for dictators), and other ungodly acts,  God has allowed a Russian airliner to break up in mid-air over the Sinai peninsula, in Egypt.  All 244 people on board were killed.  God was greatly pleased, and all these ungodly heathens onboard were immediately cast into the fires of Hell.  Cold, you might think.  However, God gives everyone a chance for salvation.  The Russians rejected that chance for salvation.  By rejecting salvation, the Russians rejected God. By rejecting God,the Russians passed judgment upon themselves and those who died on the plane crash are now in Hell.  For it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay-says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19). The Russians acted of Satan and challenged God’s country America, and God responded by punishing Russia by crashing a Russian plane, much like God allowed over 6 million Jews to perish during the Holocaust as punishment for the crucifixion of Jesus. God hates all who challenge him, and all will ultimately face judgment.

God hates Fags and dictators!

God hates Fags and dictators! They will be judged!

244 dead people is but a drop in the bucket, boys and girls.  When the end of the world comes, there will be a battle so great that nobody will be left untouched. Many thousands will die, and it will make all of the wars ever fought in the world look mild. All will be judged on that glorious day. Those that are True Christians will be allowed to live in God’s kingdom.  Those that are not will be cast into the lake of fire.  Those Russians who died on the Russian Airbus A321 are already beginning to undergo eternal torment, and are being burned and prodded and tortured and tormented non-stop in Hell as we speak.  However, that death will be punctuated by a greater death in Hell at the final judgment, where that torment will likely become even worse.

God's punishment is glorious!

God’s punishment is glorious!

Let us take a moment to celebrate the fact that God has once again struck down His enemies! The ungodly ISIS heathens have tried to claim credit for this crash, but they are Muslims living in the dark ages and sleeping in caves who are far too foolish to actually take down a real aircraft.  Give glory for this crash to God, not to the foolish Muslim heathens who will soon burn in Hell along with the passengers.   If there is anything God hates more than Russian Communists, it’s Muslims! God has struck against Russia in the hopes that they will one day repent.  If they do not, God will continue to strike against them.

God hates Communists. God hates heathens. If you are a Communist or a Heathen, or a supporter of either, then God hates YOU. It is easy for God to bring down a plane. It is just as easy for God to destroy you. Remember that before you sin next.

Let us pray:

Dear almighty and dominant God, our Holy Creator. We thank you very much for striking a blow against the evil Russians who hate America and all that is Holy. We ask that your execution of those 244 people will lead the rest of Russia to repent. If not, we ask you to destroy more Russians, until they do repent.  We ask this in the name of Christ, our Holy Lord and Savior, who died for us. Amen.

God’s wrath is always present in this world. Do not be the victim next time it hits. Repent or burn!

Yours in Christ,

Jim Solouki

Jurassic World: Satan’s Campaign for Evolution

Jurassic World, the sequel to the unholy abomination known as Jurassic Park, is another snide attempt to spread the teaching of evolution to the public and to brainwash God from the public. Like other godless movies from Hollywood, Jurassic World was praised by the secular critics who are known to condemn Christian movies. This film is just another one of many offenses to God that must be banned and not used to indoctrinate our children into rejecting God and believing in evolution.


Jurassic World wants you to believe dinosaurs turned to birds, but could this T rex fly with those tiny arms or chirp or peck at things?

The film starts out with two young brothers given a vacation by their divorcing parents. We know from the bible that divorce is unbiblical, but that doesn’t matter to the parents as they plan on letting their children venture to an Island that glorifies sinner scientists like Darwin and Stephen Hawkins.

Chris Pratt plays a scientist who is an obvious disciple of Darwin in the movie but also serve as a homosexual lust vector since he wears skin tight clothes worn by gay men. Bryce Dallas plays some lust influencing woman who exposes lots of cleavage and runs in high heels. Obviously Jurassic World is full of sexual immorality that is known to further Satan’s favorite agenda in America: Homosexuality and the spread of gay marriages.

Throughout the film, the scientists play God by creating dinosaurs from fossil bugs trapped in amber. This is simply an ungodly offense in the film. Why? Only God himself has the power to create living things as proven in the Book of Genesis. The film further dives into evolution as the scientists glorify Darwin by creating a dinosaur that is supposed to be a mix of other dinosaurs. Again, this is an ungodly offense as God can only create life and that this ungodly invention was created by the scientists to prove evolution. Did you know evolution was favored by Cultural Marxists like Mao, Karl Marx, Nelson Mandela, Hitler, Stalin, and other godless communists? This film should have been correctly titled “Evilution.” You can bet that the so called indominus rex will be featured in text books from our public schools to teach evolution to our children.

There are other offenses to God throughout the film. The boys disobey authority from their superiors many times. God’s name is taken in vain multiple times without being called for prayer. Evolution is mentioned many times in the film. Bryce Dallas’ character takes on a role in the film that is supposed to be reserved for superior men. Sexual immorality is evident between Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas. Bestiality between a black man and several trained raptors is suggested since the raptor trainer is intimately connected to them. The film also wants the viewers to believe that dinosaurs turned into birds, but how can a T.rex with tiny arms fly? How can a brontosaurus or stegosaurus chirp and fly? Thankfully God’s name was not taken in vain and ended with the curse word “damn” because that is not his last name.

Jurassic World is another unbiblical abomination from Hollywood that makes movies to make fun of Christians. The goal for this film is to indoctrinate its viewers into believing evolution, which is after all a theory, and to make the viewers reject God. Believing in evolution simply means you can do whatever you want as if there is no God. That means committing evil acts like homosexuality, teach evolution, steal, pornography, and other acts of sin. How do I know this to be true? Ever since this movie’s release, more atheistic inspired gun shootings have been happening. Movies like Jurassic World are responsible for the rise of atheism, people believing in evolution, racism, rape, murders, stealing, bullying in the schools, people looking up pornography on church computers, and other sins. Again, building a foundational belief in evilution allows us to do whatever we want as if there is no God watching us. Perverted filmmaker Steven Spielberg and other secular jews are responsible for making this godless filth to make lots of money so they can purchase oil from Saudi Arabia. If you purchased a ticket to see this film, then you definitely purchased a ticket to HELL. As Christians, we must take a stand against Satan and his agents. The movies must be taken back for Christ. Let’s unite as Christians and demand that Satan take his presence away from America. AMERICA is a Christian country and Satan is NOT invited to spread his evil.

Martin Baker